
Sound Recordist, Dialogue Editor, Sound Designer – Nagra – Hi Def - Matthew Buckingham – Spirit and the Letter

‘The Spirit and the Letter’, a 15-minute looped and projected video installation.

Submitted by ross adams on 18 October, 2007 - 12:26.

(In Production) Sound Recordist, Sound Designer – Nagra – Super 16 - Zineb Sedira – Middle Sea

Second film in the Algiers/Marseille trilogy.

Submitted by ross adams on 18 October, 2007 - 12:24.

(In Production) Sound Recordist, Sound Designer – 8 Track Digital Recorder – Multi Micing - HI Def - Nick Crowe & Ian Rawlinson

A church, Plastic bags, and fire rising to the skies…

Submitted by ross adams on 18 October, 2007 - 12:23.

African Mbira and the music of the Shona

African Mbira and the music of the Shona

Submitted by ross adams on 18 October, 2007 - 12:22.



Submitted by ross adams on 18 October, 2007 - 12:21.

Quality of service evaluation for spatial audio coding and processing systems

This EPSRC funded project is run jointly between IOSR and CVSSP at Surrey, as well as Bang & Olufsen and BBC Technology. We are aiming to develop a perceptually informed model for the automatic evaluation of spatial quality in audio coding and processing systems.

Submitted by frumsey on 11 December, 2006 - 12:05.

The role of head movement in the analysis of spatial impression

This project will investigate the effects of head movements on the spatial perception of sound, with a view to improving objective measurements and modelling. More info can be found at http://www.sur

Submitted by tim on 20 October, 2006 - 13:20.

Towards a Spatial Ear Trainer

This project lays the groundwork for the development of a system to train listeners to hear spatial audio attributes. It includes the development of synthesis techniques for exemplary stimuli and of sensory profiling techniques for stimulus validation.

Submitted by tim on 20 October, 2006 - 13:19.
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