Call for Collaborative Proposals - (submission deadline :31st March 2008)

After the success of the recent SpACE-Net International Spatial Audio Workshop in January, and the networking opportunities it offered, we would like to open a call for proposals for collaborative projects.
SpACE-Net can offer financial help to enable you and your proposed collaborative partner(s) to undertake activity which will result in a full proposal to an external funder (e.g. EPSRC) by 31/08/2008.

Our limited funding could, for example, be used to a) undertake a pilot project to explore proof of principle or b) fund travel costs to allow prospective collaborators to meet in the preparation of a full proposal.
Proposals should be in line with the aims and objectives of SpACE-Net, and be workable within in the time-scale and budget proposed.

The deadline for proposals is 31st March 2008 and notification of acceptance will be made by the 15th April 2008. A member of the SpACE-Net Executive Board will be assigned to your project as a mentor. If there is sufficient demand from the authors of funded proposals we will host a day-long workshop to facilitate project planning, organisation and collaboration with a view to completing the final major funding applications. Additionally, if you have an idea, but are looking for specific collaborators or people with particular skills to help realise it, SpACE-Net resources can help you to find the right person or group of people to work with.

Proposals should include the following:

  • Title of project.
  • Your name.
  • Your contact details (Address/Telephone/Fax/Email/URL).
  • Your potential project collaborators with contact details.
  • A brief description (less than one side of A4) of the proposed project.
  • A statement of the funding body or call (e.g. EPSRC, AHRC) to which a full proposal will be submitted and by when.
  • A statement of the amount of funding you are applying for and a breakdown of the costs involved (as fully as you can).
  • A concise statement (less than 1 side of A4) of how SpACE-net funds will be used to turn the outline proposal into a full, cogent, proposal.

    Send your submission to:
    Jude Brereton
    SpACE-Net Co-ordinator
    Department of Electronics
    The University of York, Heslington
    YORK, YO10 5DD
    Tel: 01904 432407; Email:

  • Submitted by jude on 27 February, 2008 - 13:48.